Save the Earth

10 Tips for Going Zero Waste

In Tips by Jason WalshLeave a Comment

10 Tips for Going Zero Waste

Trying to live a zero waste lifestyle can be tough. The convenience culture we live in has made it extremely easy to produce and dispose of waste. Unfortunately, our planet has suffered from centuries of poor waste management. Starting your zero waste journey may seem daunting and close to impossible at first but by following some easy first steps you can begin to make a huge difference for not only your own health and well being, but the health of the planet we live on too. Here are 10 tips for being your zero waste experience.


Look around and acknowledge what you truly need and what you do not. Most homes are filled with hundreds of kitchen utensils, when there may only be 3 or 4 people to a household. Our wardrobes are filled with clothes that we have owned throughout the years, despite the fact that we only ever wear 20% of what we own. There are plenty of charity and second hand stores that would happily take your excess items.


Things that can be reused, should be used again. Carrier bags, glass jars and pots, newspapers, cardboard and scrap paper are all examples of items that can be reused again and again.


Buying your clothes second hand is a great way to keep useful items from going to the landfill. Shopping second hand is also more economical for the local community and your own pocket. You would be surprised at the quality of second hand clothes at your local charity or thrift store.


Buying your food in bulk allows you to reduce the amount of food packaging you use by only buying what you need. Most grocery stores are now equipped with a bulk food section and your reusable jars can be used to store your groceries. Fruit and veg can be bought at your local farmers markets.


Simply refuse to accept an excess waste that may come your way. For example, place a No Junk Mail sign at your door and ask your post office how you can receive less unwanted mail. Refusing free pens or plastic toys are other ways to help keep your waste down.


We have all received presents at birthdays or christmas that we never wanted and are never used, not to mention the countless cards that end up in the trash. Instead, ask friends and family to donate to a charity or give to those less fortunate.


If you do receive a gift, keep the packaging it came in and reuse this the next time you or family members needs to wrap a present.

Keep Cup

When at a coffee shop or cafe but want to drink on the go, bring a reusable flask from home and ask the barista to use this instead of a paper cup. Otherwise, relax and drink your coffee in the cafe instead.


Recycling is an essential part of the zero waste lifestyle. When you can, think of recycling as a last case scenario. Recycle only after you have tried to reduce and reuse the items you already have. Be familiar with your city’s recycling policy. Any items that cant be recycled will be sent to the landfill.


Composting is arguably the most important part of the zero waste life. A huge amount of our waste can be composted and reused. Most cities offer a composting service but it’s also possible to compost directly from home.

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